Sunday, September 22, 2013

Less Than Zero. . .

Here's a quick Elvis Costello sketch, I did while watching him in Austin Powers. It's funny the things you notice while drawing someone's face, you've never seen before. Like Mr. Costello's caddy wampus, reversed crossed eyes. Well I am super-tired. So have a fantastic night.

Thanks for looking. . .


Monday, September 9, 2013

A Frankensteined, Bride of Frankenstein. . .

I was going through some scans of old sketches, and found a Boris Karloff I did couple of years ago. I'm expanding the sketch into a full illustration. I normally prefer to draw on paper. But since I'm sort of Frankenstein-ing this (forgive the pun), I've decided to do the whole thing digitally. . .

When it comes to painting it. I'm planning on using a wild color palette similar to the 1970's Pop-Horror Artist Basil Gogos. I've been wanting to mimic his style, for a few years now. With Halloween coming up, I now have a perfect excuse.

Until next time,

That really ugmo face, on the top left. That would be me. . . 

My Original Sketch

Here are a few examples of the amazing color schemes of Basil Gogos. I am not the artist, nor do I own the rights to the following pieces.

Lon Chaney from  The Phantom of the Opera

Bela Lugosi from Dracula

Lon Chaney from London After Midnight

Christopher Lee, from the Hammer Film's Dracula franchise

 Ingrid Pitt from Countess Dracula

Frederic March from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde